Inspiring narratives of an improved green environment

Crop management advice for smallholder farmers in developing countries

Agriculture is one of the major driving forces of most developing economies, providing employment to a large part of the workforce and contributing substantially towards national GDP. However, a significant proportion of those involved in agriculture, both as producers and labourers, live close to the poverty line. A major factor inhibiting farmer’s economic growth is their lack of access to relevant and timely crop advisory information.

Compiling nature data to support sustainable tourism on small tropical islands

Small tropical island are hotspots for biodiversity. Fringing reefs, cacti fields, cloud forests, mangroves and seagrass beds are home to a vast array of exotic animals and plants. Millions of tourists are attracted by this astonishing beauty. Local communities heavily lean on tourism for their economy. At the same time, tourism and global warming put pressure on the island ecosystem.

Societal functions of greenery to achieve a healthy city

Almost three out of four EU citizens live in urban areas and this number is anticipated to further grow. All these people need an inclusive, healthy, resilient, safe and sustainable living environment. One important challenge is to provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, 'green' and public spaces by 2030.

'Green capital' as basis for a healthy living environment

Western European cities face uncertain futures as it comes to climate change, population growth and mobility. Therefore, many cities make strategic choices regarding urban densification, 'greening' and sustainability.