
Combatting water pollution from coffee production

Coffee is intrinsically linked to water, both for crop growing and coffee processing. Climate change leads to increased uncertainty on water availability. The fruit of the coffee tree, known as the coffee cherry, undergoes a long process to make it ready for consumption. This process often entails use of large quantities of water and the production of considerable amounts of solid and liquid waste.

QUICKScan - jointly scope environmental problems and solutions in participatory settings

QUICKScan is a method, process and spatially explicit tool that jointly scopes land-use planning issues in a participatory setting. QUICKScan uses strongly moderated participatory workshops, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders relevant to the planning issue at stake. The QUICKScan tool encompasses a modelling environment with functionalities to assess societal- and environmental conditions, diagnose patterns and interactions, implement alternative responses and evaluate the impacts of those responses.