impact assessment

GODAN Action evaluation framework – determining how open data changes people’s lives

The GODAN Action evaluation framework assists evaluators in designing an evaluation. It provides guidelines and good practices for designing and performing evaluations, in different stages of a project which uses open data . No one solution exists for evaluation, as each project has its own aim and character, and evaluation objectives. The GODAN Action evaluation framework provides an agile method that can be tailored to the specific situation.

QUICKScan - jointly scope environmental problems and solutions in participatory settings

QUICKScan is a method, process and spatially explicit tool that jointly scopes land-use planning issues in a participatory setting. QUICKScan uses strongly moderated participatory workshops, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders relevant to the planning issue at stake. The QUICKScan tool encompasses a modelling environment with functionalities to assess societal- and environmental conditions, diagnose patterns and interactions, implement alternative responses and evaluate the impacts of those responses.